Paper trading still broken

So I thought that after the fix on the paper API it is working again but I still cannot subit any order.

returns code 403.

If I try to execute the exact same trade from within my web browser nothing happens at all. I click confirm → Everything stays unchanged.

Same for other symbols as well

(Sidenote: Trade value is around 500 Dollar. Account paper value around 100k. So this is not an issue with insufficient funds. Tryed new API keys several times)

{accountBlocked=false, accountNumber=’’, buyingPower=‘400000’, cash=‘100000’, createdAt=‘2021-03-25T14:45:14.158717Z’, currency=‘USD’, daytradeCount=0, daytradingBuyingPower=‘400000’, equity=‘100000’, id=’’, initialMargin=‘0’, lastEquity=‘100000’, lastMaintenanceMargin=‘0’, longMarketValue=‘0’, maintenanceMargin=‘0’, multiplier=‘4’, patternDayTrader=false, portfolioValue=‘100000’, regtBuyingPower=‘200000’, shortMarketValue=‘0’, shortingEnabled=true, sma=‘0’, status=‘APPROVED’, tradeSuspendedByUser=false, tradingBlocked=false, transfersBlocked=false}

Okay. Fixed it myself. Had to generate yet another pair of new api keys. Works again