Ok, so the process will be slightly different than the medium post I mentioned earlier. I’m on a Mac so I’m not that familiar with the windows command prompt. Try looking up the windows equivalent commands and I’ll do the same and add those to the medium post. If you have python, get miniconda installed so you can set up a virtual environment.
Hey, maybe you can help me with my issue. I’m creating a bunch of scripts, that are working with Web API. And I need to get the asset price before making an order, but I don’t really see the way to do it. The /v2/assets endpoint has no prices info, and there is no price - endpoint in the docs. Is there anything I can do to get it?
@Vitalii_Zdanovskyi, have you tried barset?
With barset you can adjust the time parameters, also you can interface directly with polygon’s API using your Alpaca API keys.
I’d also recommend using tools like Insomnia or Postman to test your API requests. This will allow you to quickly test various endpoints to make sure your getting the data you need and that your API requests are properly authenticated & formatted.
Thanks for the advice. My requirements are to use php, so I use web api.
I’ve briefly tried to use the/v1/bars endpoint but couldn’t get it working. I’m also using postman-like tool to test the request.
I guess, I’ll be able to check the code in api SDK and create something similar
Oh ok, are you using curl to make the requests? If you haven’t checked out Polygon, I’d highly recommend it. Since it returns a JSON response you can easily parse the data with PHP.
If your not aware, there is a PHP SDK for Alpaca on packagist.
Great. Will do. Thanks
No problem, if you still have any issues let me know and I can write up a working example script. In fact that sounds like a great medium article or youtube tutorial.
Found my problem. It was actually quite a dumb mistake. I’ve missed, that marked data requests are supposed to point to https://data.alpaca.markets - domain.
Anyways, thanks for your help. And for PHP-sdk.
No problem Happy Hacking!
A) when do you believe you’ll be releasing more videos?
B) would you consider speaking to me on the phone about something related to trading/backtesting?
I’ve currently got a few videos that are awaiting editing, I’ve been juggling a few things, but lately my primary focus has been on a trading system that interfaces with alpaca. When I upload some new content, I’ll let post in this thread to let everyone know. Is there any content in particular that you would like to see? In regards to your question about trading/backtesting, I’d like to help in any way I can. Would you mind elaborating on the specific issue or provide some context?
Hi Josh,
I have a content suggestion. I would like to make a stock screener/filter–something using multiple factors, like a min/max price, volume, percent change, etc. Maybe 3-5 factors altogether. Trevor Thackston built one into the momentum day-trading algo he posted on GitHub, but I’m wondering if it can’t be simplified a little, or maybe just explained in greater detail.
I made a similar post in a different section of the forum, but I’m starting to realize this may be the better place. If that is the case, I’ll delete the other post; just lemme know.
@Benja Hello,
I’m currently working on scanner/filter’s for my personal project, after I make some serious progress I intend to share code examples and/or write up a how to guide. Scanners/screeners is arguably one of the most important component of an automated trading system and they’re definitely at the top of my todo list for content.
maybe we should have a talk!
@kris, what’s going on?!
i’m a php programmer email me krisgcell@gmail.com
i made a complete auto trade system, its a server id like to talk more about, maybe send you some screenshots just keep in mind the server has been profitable for a full month now and can make 15% a day also its in a production environment so no dev needed at the moment
also some of the other post to reiterate and get you up to speed