Hi guys,
I am using a paper trading account and have purchased multiple orders using the following Python code.
order = self.api.submit_order(symbol, qty, side, type, time_in_force)
The orders seem to be going through because when I run the following code:
accountInfo = self.api.get_account()
The buying power and cash go down each time I submit an order (after I print out updated info on my terminal window).
But when I refresh the paper trading dashboard it doesn’t show the new orders in the “order history” section I just bought . The updated cash and buying power do not update also.
Why is the dashboard on the alpaca website not updating?
It is also important to note that my orders seem to be in the accepted stage. Could this be the reason? It says this stage is very rare according to the following definition on the alpaca website:
The order has been received by Alpaca, but hasn’t yet been routed to the execution venue. This state only occurs on rare occasions.
Thank you