I seem unable to trade crypto on my paper trading account after resetting it with new keys. When attempting to place an order (through code or on the website) I get the error: "crypto orders not allowed for account"
Additionally I am unable to place crypto orders on the live account, I get this error: "invalid crypto time_in_force"
Here is the code I am running to place the orders, I get the same error messages on the website
Any ideas?
Hi @taigaclaw , kindly send an email to support via support@alpaca.markets
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Did you put your new keys in your code?
Also, apparently crypto orders will no longer support time_in_force='day'
, although you shouldn’t be affected by that yet…

Interesting, where did you find that snippet? Can’t find that anywhere, was it part of an email?
I am definitely using the proper keys, for example I can use them to do other things, like request latest crypto bars…etc., just not place this specific order.
Yeah, it was in an email from earlier today. Strangely, they don’t seem to have mentioned it anywhere else. Not even in the documentation page that they link to in the email…
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