IRA Accounts Please God

Please for the love of all that is holy, introduce support for retirement accounts. Alpaca will immediately drown in a landslide of cash if they do this. If there are insurmountable barriers to this part of the industry, please enlighten me, because they would have to be gargantuan to willfully pass up on the ridiculous amount of money they would inevitably receive. Thanks for any info!


Anything? Please? This must have crossed someone’s mind.

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Yes, this is an excellent idea. A no brainer.
There is no way I am going to remove substantial amounts of cash from IRA or Roth just to trade on Alpaca without the tax benefits. It can never be undone.
I, for one, would be a PDT with more than the minimum balance.
Is anyone listening at Alpaca?

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does anyone at Alpaca review and respond to posts on here?
I can’t find any.
If they won’t support IRA funds then I need to move on to other services.

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Hello @bubuia and @Eagletop

Alpaca does not currently support IRA accounts however we are aware of the interest and it is noted.

Jason from Alpaca

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Also Roth, even more than IRA.

Alan :iphone::man_surfing:

| Jason_Bohne
December 1 |

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Hello @bubuia and @Eagletop

Alpaca does not currently support IRA accounts however we are aware of the interest and it is noted.

Jason from Alpaca

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Thank you for the response. It is good to know that Alpaca is aware of the massive amount of investment money that they are missing out on.
Over 95% of my investible funds are tied up in retirement accounts.
In a little over a year, I will be 59 and a half and any amount of those funds that I want could be used for investment in Alpaca accounts.
At this point, 30% could be used for investment if you had IRA account options.

I am not unusual. Many people are looking for a place that can handle their IRA funds with the investment options that Alpaca offers.
Thank you again.


I strongly agree.
Furthermore, most algorithms do lots of trades - with significant tax reporting and tax payment consequences.
One can avoid these issues by trading in an IRA or Roth IRA.


I would like to add that I’m very interested in this. Also, I would like the ability to have an HSA (Health Savings Account). I’m not entirely sure if having the IRA capability implemented would then allow for HSAs, cause they’re very similar in structures. My IRA and HSA would both be self-directed in my case.

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Contributing a +1 to this idea!

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+1 x 10!!! Really interested in a rollover IRA and a Roth IRA. Hook us up Alpaca!

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Same here. I just started coding. Half my money is in retirement accounts and I can’t believe this. Team Alpaca, while you noted the point, can you actively update if there will be support coming soon?

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Any progress on this Alpaca? The original request is over a year old.

Would love to have ability to have a Roth account that I can have API access to (and so do my clients)

IRAs are on the list and will be coming. The details, and which plans will be supported, haven’t been finalized but we realize this is important.

One issue that will arise is most of these plans cannot be in a margin account. Therefore, one will need to handle the settle time for trades. This means waiting 2 days before using funds from a sale. In the current margin accounts those funds are available immediately.


Please also consider adding those Self Directed IRAs as an account option in Allaca

So it’s been almost a year since this post was made stating that IRAs would be coming. IRAs are coming when?

Every other broker that I’m aware of supports limited margin with IRAs with balances > $25k. I trade daily with limited margin in my Fidelity IRAs with zero settlement restrictions.

Has there been any progress on IRA’s?

@Pixbroker IRA accounts are on the roadmap but not in the near future.

I’m waiting for IRA support and then will gladly sign up for your service. Thanks for continuing to work on this.