Withdrawal Cancelled

I have seen several topics mention this already but nothing mentioning on how to resolve this problem.

I am trying to withdraw cash from Alpaca to my bank account and it has been cancelled multiple times but not by me.

How can I withdraw cash from my Alpaca account? And how can I prevent this in the future so other people with similar problems as me can prevent this from happening.

I have already sent an email to Alpaca support 4 days ago with no response.

I enjoy using Alpaca however I dislike how difficult it is to get in contact with support for such a serious problem.

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Hi @project08 , can I know the ticket no?

Thank you for your response. I appreciate your help.

I have no ticket number. I sent an email to support and posted here after not receiving any feedback from the email.

Please let me know if you require any actions on my end.

Hi @waimun.ng, I have sent another email to the support a couple of days ago and I still have not received a ticket.

Should I send my email to a different place then:

Alpaca Support support@alpaca.markets

Please let me know how I can resolve this problem.

support@alpaca.markets is correct.

I have sent a total of 4 emails to Alpaca support and have not received a single ticket.

I cannot help but feel disappointed in this whole process.

I understand this might be out of @waimun.ng control, but there must be someone who can help me get my money out of my account

It has been two weeks since I opened this issue and I have not been able to withdraw money from my account.

I checked the records - there’s no email via your email address recently.

Can you try again? So that we can address your concern.

I have sent another email again. IS there a special format my emails have to be in? I am sending it to the address that you are asking for.

Have you solved your problem?

No my problem has not been solved. I spoke to @Dan_Whitnable_Alpaca on Slack on how to resolve this problem. He noted that for some reason my IP was black listed and the last thing he said would be that he would check in with the IT team.

That has been about approximatrely a week ago and I have not heard from anyone since.

I’m not sure what to do at this point but keep on messaging the support team as I am at their mercy at this point to get my money out.

Having a very similar issue… support ticket open for almost two weeks and no progress.

hi waimun.ng,I’m glad to see you here. We exchanged emails yesterday and the day before yesterday. Do you remember?