Support Forex Trading

Hi Alpaca, When will the forex trading be supported?

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Hi @anwaradil, forex trading isn’t on our immediate roadmap but our goal is to expand across more asset classes.

Thank you @Crystal_Xue_Alpaca for your response. Forex Market is over 5 trillion, which is more than Stocks and Crypto. It’s unfortunate that this asset class is being ignored. Many traders might love to be able to trade it with alpaca just like myself.


I don’t think it would be a problem if Alpaca never supported FX, as there are a ton of other brokers that support algotrading FX (which is the opposite with stock trading - at least in the EU). It would be nice if options were added though.

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Even if you don’t go all in on Forex, it’d be nice if Alpaca “dipped their toes in” to it so they can see if it’s worth expanding further. What I mean by that is that it would be nice to see some simple currency pairs used to test like USD/EUR and USD/GBP and USD/YEN.

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It’s been a while. Any updates on forex trading and alpaca?