Im creating an application where users can use the Alpaca services and one of the first things they need to do is create an account. I know most of my users will not have an Alpaca account so when brought to this image
They will select ‘Sign up for free’. When they do and the account is created, there is no redirect back to my application. It works when they already have an account and they select the ‘login’ option. Note Im currently running my application on localhost.
How can I get redirect working for ‘sign up me’ option
Sorry I don’t have any solution for you. Instead I have a question because I’m having difficulties in launching my mobile app.
- is your app a mobile app?
- my problem in my mobile app is that it iterates forever from app to authenticate page on web browser. Let me tell in details.
- launch an mobile app
- The first screen shows a button saying “Authenticate with Alpaca”,
- When the button above 1 is clicked, then opens login/signup screen on web browser.
- When logged in with my account, a page shows “Authorize Alpaca Mobile” having 2 buttons “Deny” and “Allow”.
- pressing either one goes back to the app. and it shows the same page on step 2.
- it iterates from step 2 through step 5 forever.
Do you have any comment how to fix this iteration after logging in and authentication?
Thank you in advance.
I did as says
Go to OAuth Apps and get client id/secret by creating new app. (The redirect uri should be alpacamobile://oauth
I also noticed OAuth clients must be approved by Alpaca in my oauth tab of my dashboard,
" Note: OAuth clients must be approved by Alpaca before they can execute live trades on behalf of users. To get your app approved for live trading, please [click here to send an email to our support team.] We will take a look and let you know when your app has been approved or if there are any changes you need to make.
Have you sent email for approval?