A sample mobile app - https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-rn-mobile

I built an android mobile app as it is at https://github.com/alpacahq/alpaca-rn-mobile with my API key and Secret Key. When I launched it on my galaxy android phone, I’m not sure if it works as it is supposed to run because it keeps several screen in the infinite loop. could any one help me use the sample app correctly?

  1. The first screen shows a button saying “Authenticate with Alpaca”,
  2. When the button above 1 is clicked, 2nd screen shows login/signup screen
  3. When logged in with my account, the new screen shows “Authorize Alpaca Mobile” and 2 buttons “Deny” and “Allow”.
  4. When “Allow” is clicked, then the 1st screen is shown again showing a button “Authenticate with Alpaca”
  5. Screen shows infinite loop with step 1, step 3, step 4.
