Hi all,
I am trying to run a little python project with the example on the web, just to get data using marketstore. But there is no way to make it works… I am always getting this error
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: (‘Connection aborted.’, RemoteDisconnected(‘Remote end closed connection without response’,))
does anyone knows what can be happening? I am running de docker image and running de python app in the same machine.
Thank you all for any suggestion.
I’m also getting this error. The marketstore in docker runs fine, but when I try to run the python client it keeps giving me a connection error. If anyone has a suggestion, would love to hear it.
hi David,
I was running into the same issue (as mentioned in my reply from a few days ago). I played around with the config file and got it to work. When running the docker container, I commented out this line in the config:
#listen_host: “localhost”
Then, when I run the python client, it can listen and no longer throws an error. It works for me now. Maybe that will help.
take care,