Limit on Close - order should be canceled if not executed

My LOC (limit on close) order are not cancelled when not filled. But according to the description (Understand Orders - Documentation | Alpaca ) they should be. This is for partially executed or non executed orders. This used to work but changed a few days ago. Not critical as I can cancel myself but an unexpected system change.

Live trading using Python API.
e.g. :
‘asset_class’: ‘us_equity’,
‘asset_id’: ‘84db37a2-d331-4a66-bf04-322f6c85c7ea’,
‘canceled_at’: None,
‘created_at’: ‘2021-03-24T19:35:19.763597Z’,
‘expired_at’: None,
‘extended_hours’: False,
‘failed_at’: None,
‘filled_at’: ‘2021-03-24T20:00:02Z’,
‘filled_avg_price’: ‘12.72’,
‘filled_qty’: ‘17’,
‘hwm’: None,
‘id’: ‘d61785d7-b7e6-4b1c-ac1f-fe6bc2be2034’,
‘legs’: None,
‘limit_price’: ‘12.72’,
‘notional’: None,
‘order_class’: ‘’,
‘order_type’: ‘limit’,
‘qty’: ‘21’,
‘replaced_at’: None,
‘replaced_by’: None,
‘replaces’: None,
‘side’: ‘sell’,
‘status’: ‘partially_filled’,
‘stop_price’: None,
‘submitted_at’: ‘2021-03-24T19:35:19.760981Z’,
‘symbol’: ‘WIA’,
‘time_in_force’: ‘cls’,
‘trail_percent’: None,
‘trail_price’: None,
‘type’: ‘limit’,
‘updated_at’: ‘2021-03-24T20:00:07.949518Z’}