Is it a bug In alpaca?

The documentation clearly states: notional: dollar amount to trade. Cannot work with qty . Can only work for market order types and day for time in force.

However, this json recieves: 422 Unprocessable Entity: [{“code”:40010001,“message”:“qty is required”}]
Please notice the type and time in force:
“symbol”: “AAPL”,
“notional”: 350,

getting the same issue.

I want to buy using notional $

is it only available in real trading accounts?

@rajpeter2020 Notional orders work identically in both paper accounts and live trading. What code are you using and what error are you getting? The following works

curl --location ‘
–header ‘Apca-Api-Key-Id: xxxxx’
–header ‘Apca-Api-Secret-Key: xxxxx’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data '{
“side”: “buy”,
“type”: “market”,
“time_in_force”: “day”,
“symbol”: “AAPL”,
“notional”: “350”