Dashboard white screen only on 1 account

I cant access funds or positions on one of my accounts. THe website just shows a white blank screen across multiple devices. My backend apps respond with internal server error the whole time as well. Whats happening?

@Chris_S For account specific issues, especially if urgent, please send a note to the Alpaca support team at support@alpaca,markets. Ensure you include your account number and/or the email associated with the account so they can find it. Also mention if this is for a paper or live account.

That said, there is a current issue with some accounts which liquidated fractional shares via the web portal by selecting the position and clicking ‘liquidate selected position’. It sometimes, but not always (frustratingly), leaves the account with both a long and a short position. This is an invalid portfolio state generating an account error and causes a ‘white’ screen on login.

Could that be the case? Do contact support. They can resolve the problem.