Dashboard went Blank, and I cant log into Slack
Dashboard came backDashboard came backDashboard came backDashboard came back
It keeps saying its sending an email to alpaca.markets, IDK what email it thinks it has. Nothing seems to work, I recently dumped my cookies
@jasonoliver Has your issue resolved itself? There was a brief error in the web dashboard on May 5 which may have caused what you were seeing but that was resolved.
Hi Dan. I cant sign into slack anymore. Im getting a caught exception to path/market when trading crypto. I can buy using the buy buttons on tradingview, but alerts/webhooks not working
I have the same issue. I can’t log in to the dashboard nor to TradingView.
{“ticker”:“BITCUSD”,“qty”:".0001",“side”:“buy”,“time_in_force”:“ioc”} this is my json code for btcn. I added more for the doge coin. it looks like this. {“class”: “crypto”,
“exchange”: “FTXU”,
“symbol”: “DOGEUSD”,
“name”: “Dogecoin”,
“status”: “active”,
“tradable”: true,
“marginable”: false,
“shortable”: false,
“easy_to_borrow”: false,
“fractionable”: true,“ticker”:“DOGEUSD”,“qty”:“1”,“side”:“buy”,“time_in_force”:“ioc”}
Any guidence on how to get the sell to trigger? Please advise.
this issue is not resolved.