How do I apply for cryptocurrency trading on Alpaca?
If you already have an account with Alpaca, go to the Account Configurations and switch the toggle next to ‘Crypto trading’.
What cryptocurrencies can I trade on Alpaca?
Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH) and Litecoin (LTC).
What’s the trading hours for cryptocurrencies?
Crypto trading is available around the clock, 7 days a week.
Can I transfer cryptocurrency into/out of Alpaca?
You can buy and sell cryptocurrency on Alpaca. However, we do not support transferring crypto into or out of your account at this time.
Can I short sell crypto?
No. Cryptocurrency is not shortable.
What type of orders are available for crypto?
Market, Limit & Stop-limit orders. Regarding TIF (time-in-force) we have Day, GTC (good till cancel), IOC (immediate or cancel), Fill or Kill & Good Till Date.
What is the settlement period for crypto trades?
Crypto trades settle T+1. Trades done before 11pm CT are considered trade date (T). However, funds are always available for the next trade.
Can I use margin to trade crypto?
No. Cryptocurrency is considered non-marginable .
What are the trading rules for crypto trading?
Cryptocurrency is considered non-marginable. The Pattern Day Trader (PDT) rule applicable to stocks, DO NOT apply to cryptocurrency trades.
I thought Crypto was available today but when I ask for all assets (i.e. # Get a list of all active assets.
active_assets = api.list_assets(status=‘active’) I don’t get any Cryptos.
My understanding is Alapaca is not yet allowing crypto trading in all states. I can trade crypto in my paper account and not my state. Do you have a state by state list?
As far as I can tell, there is no way to automatically include crypto assets in the existing get_ methods. I got around this by manually requesting each asset:
def get_crypto_assets():
raw_crypto_assets = ['BTCUSD','ETHUSD','BCHUSD','LTCUSD']
crypto_assets = []
for crypto in raw_crypto_assets:
return crypto_assets
I appreciate that crypto is still in beta, but it would be great if Alpaca introduced a native get_crypto_assets() method (or similar) in the API.
My understanding is that the fees are the same as for stocks (i.e. essentially zero), but it would be good to get explicit confirmation of this from Alpaca.
There is still not a response with a time line and explanation on when this will be available. The first post is in August and the last request for an updated time line was in November. Since there hasn’t been an update I don’t have much of a reason to hold my breath and stay with Alpaca for more than stock trading. Any evidence to the contrary would be welcome.
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