Is there really not a single view that will give you The current bid/ask AND the quantity of the security you are holding?
It seems like all that information should be front and center when you go to sell something, but alas in either view I try to use something is missing.
When trading, I generally use the ‘Overview’ screen. That shows the account positions with the quantity held. Anything I want to trade, I then enter the symbol in the right Buy/Sell section. By hovering the mouse over the small “i” next to 'Market Price" the last trade, bid, and ask are displayed. I then use that to inform the price to enter for the trade.
As suggested all the information could be laid out a bit better with current bid/ask AND the quantity of the security you are holding. Good suggestion! Alpaca will be doing a major overhaul of the web interface in the near future and I’ve put that on a requested feature list.