On the API document, it said “Aside from the actual data contents, Alpaca Data API, which uses IEX, provides more flexible query capability such as multi-symbol and precise time range parameters.”. Anyone has examples how to request multi-stocks market data in one API request?
BTW, is the Polygon streaming free for Alpaca customers?
Thank you very much. I am using VB/VBA. Do you know where I can find details about the API like GET/POST/REST input & output formats instead of using defined libraries? Such that I can implement the program in VB/VBA.
Did a research, seems the API does not have real time stock data. The market data API only provides aggregated data like bars. Is it correct that except WebSocket streaming, there is not API to provide real time stock data?
But got the following error:
➜ Alpaca_Trader git:(master) ✗ python3 test_get_barset.py
{‘code’: 42210000, ‘message’: ‘at least one symbol is required’}
Could you please advise on if my test_string is correct? Thank you!