How to access community slack

Hi! I would love to join the community slack, but when I click the link to join it seems I need to have an @alpaca email address. Is there a way to join the community slack with just my personal email or do I need some special access? Thanks!

Hi @schroedernick2

Thanks for your interest in joining our Slack community. Please this invitation to join here

hello @masjaya.sutarno @schroedernick2 – is there an updated slack invite/join link? I’m unable to join without an email

Hi @masjaya.sutarno . May I please get an invite to the slack group as well?

Thank you!

Hello ,

I am also trying to access the slack channel. May I please have an invitation?



Can I get on the Slack Invite list? it sounds awesome in there… :slight_smile:



Not be able to join through this link, do we have an active link for the slack??


@Nomia_92 Try this one.

Is there an updated slack link to join?

@Bill_X Try this link again. There was a configuration issue with slack. Good catch!

is there another updated slack link to join?

@ceph Welcome! Try this link.

is there a new link? I used to have access to the Slack, but now it acts as if it’s gone.

Hi Dan,
I’m new in Alpaca.
Can I have a link to Slack? It seems that the link is not correct.
Thanks and best,

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Here you have the link and it should work forever! I found it in the footer of some help page by mistake ahahaha.

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These links are all dead. Is there another new one?

@wolfhat Here’s a link to join the Alpaca Community Slack workspace. This will expire in 30 days which may be why other links don’t work? Welcome!

Hi, could you provide a new link, please? Thanks.

@Intetics Here is an updated slack invite link


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