Hi! I would love to join the community slack, but when I click the link to join it seems I need to have an @alpaca email address. Is there a way to join the community slack with just my personal email or do I need some special access? Thanks!
Thanks for your interest in joining our Slack community. Please this invitation to join here
hello @masjaya.sutarno @schroedernick2 – is there an updated slack invite/join link? I’m unable to join without an alpaca.markets email
Hi @masjaya.sutarno . May I please get an invite to the slack group as well?
Thank you!
Hello ,
I am also trying to access the slack channel. May I please have an invitation?
Can I get on the Slack Invite list? it sounds awesome in there…
Not be able to join through this link, do we have an active link for the slack??
Is there an updated slack link to join?
is there another updated slack link to join?
is there a new link? I used to have access to the Slack, but now it acts as if it’s gone.
Hi Dan,
I’m new in Alpaca.
Can I have a link to Slack? It seems that the link is not correct.
Thanks and best,
Here you have the link and it should work forever! I found it in the footer of some help page by mistake ahahaha.
These links are all dead. Is there another new one?
@wolfhat Here’s a link to join the Alpaca Community Slack workspace. This will expire in 30 days which may be why other links don’t work? Welcome!
Hi, could you provide a new link, please? Thanks.
@Intetics Here is an updated slack invite link