Get_barset on Minutes timeframe return wrong data for some tickers`

Right now calling get_barset for time frames of Min or 5Min on TSLA will return Bar({‘c’: 861.58, ‘h’: 861.58, ‘l’: 861.58, ‘o’: 861.58, ‘t’: 1612821900, ‘v’: 105} when TSLA is at 850. But on GOOG and AMZN things are normal. Here is the code:


today =
ticker = sys.argv[1]

afrom = today - datetime.timedelta(minutes=50)
barset = api.get_barset(ticker, ‘5Min’, after=afrom)

That timestamp is GMT: Monday, February 8, 2021, 10:05:00 PM so it seems there were no new bars being created. I was having the same issue but as I am writing this, it appears new bars are now being created.