Equivalent to polygon's Snapshot API call

Currently I use polygon to fetch current price data and Alpaca to place trades. As we’ve all learned, the free polygon hookup is going away in a week.

I’m currently using this call to fetch current price data for a series of tickers:

The closest Alpaca call I see is: /v1/bars/{timeframe}

I’ve spot checked this and the data returned is puzzling. If I omit the start/end/after/until time parameters, my assumption is that I’d get the most recent bar. For example:

curl -H “APCA-API-KEY-ID: $ALP_ID” -H “APCA-API-SECRET-KEY: $ALP_SECRET” “https://data.alpaca.markets/v1/bars/minute?symbols=AAPL,AMC&limit=1

This does return a single bar for each of the two symbols, but it appears to be a bar from a random period during afterhours. AAPL is from 4:25pm EST, AMC is from 4:44pm EST.

If I set after/until then I can get the 3:58pm bar, but this seems quite cumbersome.

What’s the simplest way to get the most recent price data for a set of tickers via Alpaca? Is there a v2 API that simplifies this?



I’m thinking (hoping) that Alpaca will come up with a snapshot-equivalent, and I’ll wait a few days to find out what v2 can do.

I sure hope they do. Snapshots were the easiest way to make simple scanners.