Bad formatting of the Positions table

The web interface of the Positions tab is formatted so badly I don’t think the developers paid any attention to the final outcome. The table has fixed column widths that cannot be adjusted. The Asset column is about 4 times as wide as necessary to fit the contents (the same is true about the Orders table). As a result, the columns on the right are always out of the user view unless I unselect some of the other columns (which I also want to see). The table itself has a fixed width and won’t expand even though there is plenty of white space on both sides of it within the frame. And their is no horizontal scrollbar, though there is a vertical one. Why not use both? The numerical fields are formatted randomly, some with 2 digits after the decimal point and some with 4 digits (%.4f), without any clear logical reason. Personally, I don’t need to see fractions of a cent in any of these fields, but if some people need it, I’d make the dollar amounts’ format adjustable via the settings. Would it be possible to make the table look more user-friendly? Thanks.

completely agree, terrible UI for viewing all your positions/indicators. I understand alpaca is API first but this shouldn’t be hard to fix and provide a good insight on your overall positions.