API calls stop working after first few successful attempts

This started probably on Last Friday evening and is still not working for me in Paper account.
After first few successful executions, all calls to ListSnapshotsAsync
result in
Exception thrown: ‘System.TimeoutException’ in System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Exception thrown: ‘System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException’ in System.Private.CoreLib.dll
This was working fine for me all last week until it stopped
Is anyone else facing it.
I was using 5.3.2 version until this morning and then I even switched to 6.04 but so far it didnt help.

Please, report it on GitHub and provide all required information for reproducing the issue. If you request a snapshot for many instruments maybe you have to set up a custom timeout for your client using a configuration object.

Thanks Oleg, I discovered a (seemingly unrelated ) bug and after fixing it the issue went away.
I will post if it happens again.