Add an account holder

How to I add my wife to my Alpaca account?


Let us know what language you’re writing your code in. Please include the version number you’re running, if possible.

Alpaca SDK Version
If you’re using an SDK library to interface with the Alpaca API, please include the version number you have installed in your environment.

Other Environment Details
If there’s anything else you’d like to invlude about the environment you’re running your code in - operating System, cloud provider, etc. - list it here.


Describe the provlem you’re running into here.

Paper or Live Tradng?
Let us know if you’re using the paper trading simulator or the live trading API.

Example Code
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I would like to know how to add another account holder with limited access. A sub account for my developer.

This is not a coding question it is an account management question. How can I add my wife to my alpaca account.

Currently, all Alpaca accounts are ‘individual’ accounts associated with a single person. There isn’t a way to add others to an account. However, this feature has been requested and is on the list of enhancements.