I have a browser dashboard using Python & Flask. I wanted to update the data without manually refreshing the browser nor have javascript inefficiently make a request every second or minute. (Would Alpaca ban my ISP if made a request every second? ) If I can get the data from the streamConn websocket to push/pass the data to my browser dashboard that would be awesome. Flask would not work because it needs a request in order is issue a response. Flask-SocketIO or FastAPI maybe are solutions?
Is it possible to pass/push the data from streamConn to my dashboard browser? What libraries would you use? How would you do it?
let’s focus and option 1 and leave option 2 to your architecture decisions.
if you connect to the Streaming api from your server then your server is now both a client and a server.
it’s a client to the alpaca servers
it’s a server to your js client
that means you open one websocket to the alpaca servers (StreamConn)
and you open a websocket server for your js client
now what you can do is when a message is received from StreamConn you need to pass it to your client.
what you did in your example is not good. you don’t want to wait for a connection from your browser every time you get a message from alpaca.
you want to hold 2 live connections that are never closed (1 to alapca with StreamConn 1 to your client) and streamline the messages you receive from one to the other.
I’m thinking maybe Python and FastAPI would be the server-client solution, maybe. I haven’t broken through the barrier of how to pass the data. What do you think about the following:
# open server websocket for js client?
# server for js client
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
await websocket.accept()
# listening for alpaca subscription messages
async def on_data(conn, channel, data):
# alpaca client
data_dict = data._raw
# while True:
# "now what you can do is when a message is received
# from StreamConn you need to pass it to your client."
# "streamline the messages you receive
# from one to the other."
# is this how you tap into StreamConn websocket feed
# and pass the data to the js client?
payload = data_dict
# if this is not nested like in the previous wrong example,
# then wouldn't the following line be out of this function's scope?
await websocket.send_json(payload)
# "if you connect to the Streaming api from your server then
# your server is now both a client and a server."
# how does one connect to StreamConn from server?
# opening one websocket to the alpaca server?
# one live connection?
# running ASGI server?
# second live connection?
uvicorn.run("main:app", host="",port=8000,reload=True, debug=True)
If you can provide any insight as to how to pass the data from alpaca websocket to the front-end websocket that would be amazing.
@Shlomik Thanks for sharing your hardwork. However, it was over my head. It’s like level 10 and my knowledge is at like level 1.5 lol. Thanks for writing a doc string for send_response_to_client()!
So basically, to get data to my js client websocket connection from alpaca’s websocket message feed , I need to capture the data by sending it to a queue.Queue.put()? and retrieve the data from within my @app.websocket(’/ws’) endpoint via a queue.Queue.get()? and then send/serve it to my client?
This seems logical… I’ll give it a go.
However, how to match threads… this is still foggy, but I guess that’s just something to look forward too