Socket market data not comming

I have 2 weeks connected to the Socket with subscription paid, the last 2 weeks data was coming with some bars missing during the day, but today nothing is coming, same code, service is running, testing locally and no errors, just data is not coming.

On 2024-05-27 the US Stock market was closed because it was Memorial Day. Does that answer your question, or you still had been experiencing this on the 28th?

Hi, Maybe I don’t explain, but when I stated “Today nothing is comming” and the message was posted on may 28 2024 I thought was clear that I was talking about may 28 2024, NOT may 27 2024

As I stated, I’ve been connected to the socket with a PAID subscription, some minute bars data is missing during the day, but yesterday (28/05/2024) nothing came, no one single bar o minute, today data started to come again, no ones know the root cause.