Short selling enabled itself

I have been testing some code with a paper account for a couple weeks now and just ran into something I have not encountered before.

I tried a “sell all tickers”" type of command via my code while short selling was disabled, and when it executed I received “X stock is not shortable” as expected in the feedback inside my code.

However when checking my account balance this morning, it DID short sell at least half of the tickers…

How is this possible? it also appears that as of this morning the “disable short selling” option my on paper account has been switched back off.

would sending too many short sell requests even with this feature enabled somehow make it switch back to enabling short selling??

@johny The ‘disable short selling’ option should stay enabled. The only time it gets reset is if the paper trade account is reset. Have you been able to reproduce this? I tried and it worked as expected.