Premarket data appears to start at 9 not 4 EST? (v2/stocks/../bars)

Does Alpaca provide full premarket data? Currently it appears to be just 30min. (9 to 9:30)

Code snippets:
dataUrl = “
query = (f"?start={start}&end={end}&limit=100&timeframe=30Min")
s = (f"{dataUrl}/v2/stocks/{symbol}/bars{query}")

startTime: 2022-01-31T04:00:00Z - endTime: 2022-01-31T09:30:00Z
{‘bars’: [{‘t’: ‘2022-01-31T09:00:00Z’, ‘o’: 170.7, ‘h’: 172.01, ‘l’: 170.7, ‘c’: 171.71, ‘v’: 72220, ‘n’: 1811, ‘vw’: 171.71744}, {‘t’: ‘2022-01-31T09:30:00Z’, ‘o’: 171.68, ‘h’: 171.91, ‘l’: 171.32, ‘c’: 171.55, ‘v’: 23375, ‘n’: 643, ‘vw’: 171.678074}], ‘symbol’: ‘AAPL’, ‘next_page_token’: None}

And yes I have run this on 1, 5 minute bars as well and for several different symbols, they all start at 9AM.


I’m on mobile, so can’t test your code, but have you converted the time zone? The bars data is returned in UTC timezone by default. 9am UTC is 4am EST.

Thanks that was it. Bit by a timezone issue, isn’t the first time, probably wont be the last.

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