So, I am just really getting started. I’m using code below to get some minute bars. This works fine if ‘into’ is set to DateTime.Today, but not DateTime.Now! I cannot really see a reason why and no exception is caused. I am trying this on the paper account. Is this a data subscription issue perhaps? Or am I missing something obvious. I have seen other code with .Minute and DataTime.Now, so I expected it to work. Basically, I am looking to get data up to the current bar. Thanks.
// get data
var into = DateTime.Now;
var from = into.AddDays(-5);
// Get daily price data for AAPL over the last 5 trading days.
Console.Write("Getting data from:"+from.ToString()+" to "+into.ToString());
var bars = await clientData.ListHistoricalBarsAsync(
new HistoricalBarsRequest(s, from, into, BarTimeFrame.Minute));
Console.Write("Got "+bars.Items.Count()+" bars...");