Multiple paper accounts?


Is it possible to have multiple paper accounts within the same account? I am trying a few different algos and would like to track each one separately.



Sub-accounting is on the roadmap that we are working on. However, until then, you could create few Alpaca accounts with different emails.


Hi, you could also try using the Alpaca Proxy Agent:

it doesn’t give you separate accounts, but it allows you to run parallel algorithms.

Any update on sub-accounts?

@Rjuser No update, but sub-accounts are still on the roadmap.

Can you tell me if sub-accounts would also be for live accounts? I would like a second live account to run a different strategy and if this was possible with sub-accounts it seems ideal.

Any updates here? Very interested.

Algorithms are not truly independent units if they take money from the same pocket. Algo 1 can say “buy 1 of XYZ” and algo 2 can say “sell 1 of XYZ”, and you would incur in two transaction costs for no possible gain at the portfolio-of-algorithms level. This may or may not be relevant, depending on the time scales involved in your decisions, or the universes they look at. To reduce these transaction costs your algorithms have to talk with each other before submitting orders.

maybe a better term is models. would be nice to run different models.