latestTrade missing from Snapshot


I’ve noticed that when querying snapshot data, I often see about a dozen or more results that do not include a latestTrade in the response. They do however include a latestQuote. Can someone explain what the reason for this might be? The documentation for Snapshot doesn’t seem to indicate that latestTrade is optional. Is latestTrade time-bound or something?

Here are a couple examples:

Found snapshot but no latest trade for  {
  symbol: 'DYNI',
  LatestQuote: {
    AskPrice: 31.02,
    AskSize: 1,
    AskExchange: 'V',
    BidPrice: 20.66,
    BidSize: 1,
    BidExchange: 'V',
    Conditions: [ 'R' ],
    Timestamp: '2023-11-17T20:59:55.034471432Z',
    Tape: 'C'
  Symbol: 'DYNI'
Found snapshot but no latest trade for  {
  symbol: 'UPGR',
  LatestQuote: {
    AskPrice: 0,
    AskSize: 0,
    AskExchange: 'V',
    BidPrice: 0,
    BidSize: 0,
    BidExchange: 'V',
    Conditions: [ 'R' ],
    Timestamp: '2023-11-01T19:50:00.286799418Z',
    Tape: 'C'
  Symbol: 'UPGR'