Latest C# SDK - streaming doesn't work?

The newer versions of the C# SDK don’t seem to work on real-time streaming data anymore? Older versions work fine.

Example - Older C# SDK
Alpaca.Markets 5.0.3
Alpaca.Markets.Extensions 5.0.3

My code:
quoteSubscription = alpacaDataStreamingClient.SubscribeQuote(symbol);
quoteSubscription.Received += AlpacaStreamQuote;

From Visual Studio Immediate Window after break:
Streams: {Alpaca.Markets.AlpacaDataStreamingClient.AlpacaDataSubscription<Alpaca.Markets.IQuote, Alpaca.Markets.JsonRealTimeQuote>.<get_Streams>d__3}
Subscribed: true

Works fine.

Example - Latest C# SDK
Alpaca.Markets 5.2.16
Alpaca.Markets.Extensions 5.2.8

My code:
quoteSubscription = await alpacaDataStreamingClient.SubscribeQuoteAsync(symbol);
quoteSubscription.Received += AlpacaStreamQuote;

From Visual Studio Immediate Window after break:
Streams: {Alpaca.Markets.DataStreamingClientBase<Alpaca.Markets.AlpacaDataStreamingClientConfiguration>.AlpacaExplicitDataSubscription<Alpaca.Markets.IQuote, Alpaca.Markets.JsonRealTimeQuote>.<get_Streams>d__4}
Subscribed: false

Doesn’t work. Not sure if my async/awaiter code shown above is correct? The old .Subscribe non-async doesn’t exist anymore, so I can’t test it with the latest C# SDK.

Any ideas?

The Subscribed property will change only after receiving a confirmation message from the server. In your first (5.0.3) version of code, you perform a delay but I don’t see this delay in another (5.2.16) example. I’m not sure why do you want to check the Subscribed property immediately - you can listen to the OnSubscribedChanged event and track changes in this property.

The time delay in the first example was only to simulate an await since .Subscribe is not an async method. Anyway, I modified my code slightly per your suggestion and it seems to work now. Thanks!