Error while running the c# example to "View Open Positions"

I am trying to run the c# example to “View Open Positions”. Following is the section of code:

var positions = restClient.ListPositionsAsync();
foreach (var position in positions)
Console.WriteLine($"{position.Quantity} shares of {position.Symbol}.");

I get the error message in Visual Studio that: "foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type ‘Task<IReadOnlyList>’ because ‘Task<IReadOnlyList>’ does not contain a public instance definition for ‘GetEnumerator’

Any suggestions for why the foreach loop is not working.

See the example in How to Code/Portfolio Examples…and use the “await” and “async” keywords as it is shown. It should work if done as they show.

@Brian67 thanks for the reply. When I run the example as it is, it works. I am trying to create a program on the “Windows Forms App (NET Framework)”. “await” and “async” kewords give me error. I have given the program listing (Form1.cs) below . Only error is at positions in the foreach loop. Please let me know what I should change. Thanks.

using Alpaca.Markets;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Test01_748
public partial class Form1 : Form
private RestClient restClient;

    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var restClient = new RestClient("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "", apiVersion: 2);

        // Get a list of all of our orders.
        var positions = restClient.ListPositionsAsync();

        // Print the quantity of shares for each position.
        foreach (var position in positions)
            Console.WriteLine($"{position.Quantity} shares of {position.Symbol}.");


All I can tell you is that you need await and async. I don’t have any open positions but I tested with ListAccountActivities. Put the async call into a separate function like this and then call that function. You need “async” and “await restClient.ListPositionsAsync();”; This will work. These are asynchronous calls and you MUST HAVE those keywords to get data back.

private async void getPositions()

        var restClient = new RestClient("xxx", "xxx", "");
        var positions = await restClient.ListPositionsAsync();

        foreach (var position in positions)
                Console.WriteLine($"{position.Quantity} shares of {position.Symbol}.");



@Brian67 thanks for the help. The error message has gone. I will confirm on Monday when I have positions in the account.