It should now work. The easiest way to get your history is to reset your portfolio and re-import your transaction history from scratch:
- Top Right Menu >> Profile >> “Reset my Account”
- Top Left Menu >> “Refresh Linked Accounts”
Note that it can take up to ~1 minute to update your portfolio given the large number of transactions (optimizations are in the pipeline to speed things up).
We’ve developed a PL Attribution report to help users slice and dice their PL:
position_pl = position_as_of_start_date x market_change
new_trades_pl = PL of trades in period startDate:endDate
and, because you only have activities of type “FILL” for this period:
PL = mtm_end_date - mtm_start_date = position_pl + new_trades_pl
Also note that:
- note that the current version of this spreadsheet assumes all activities are of type “FILL” (which are the only activities you have in your portfolio).
- both sources of PL (i.e. Position PL & New Trades PL) are broken down by symbol so that you can pin point where your profit or losses are coming from.
- PL in cell F7 should reconcile with PL in cell F12 (if you’re analyzing PL over a period of several days, these may not reconcile e.g. if there are too many transactions for the number of rows in our spreadsheet)
- also note that you will be the first beta user of this spreadsheet, so bear with us if any kinks need to be ironed out.