I have this polling once a minute, every 3rd or 4th minute the Alpaca API returns data from two weeks ago. I’ve started using the $timeStart variable after I saw this behavior without the ‘start’ variable, but even adding the ‘start’ variable, I still get quotes from 2 weeks ago.
I’m getting a similar issue using R:
My request: https://data.alpaca.markets/v1/bars/5Min?symbols=FB,NFLX,AMZN,MSFT&limit=1000&start=2020-02-05T09:30:00-0500&end=2020-02-24T14:45:00-0500
Returns data from the following time range: "2020-03-02 09:50:00 EST" to "2020-03-18 15:55:00 EDT"
I’m going to post in the Data topic forum and tag an admin.
Here’s the post