Crypto order with order_class


I’ve seen here and there on the forum that Crypto orders do not support bracket and oco types. However the official documentation does imply it is supported: Orders | Alpaca Docs. I tested it and it does not work.

order_class string > Optional simple, bracket, oco or oto. For details of non-simple order classes, please see Bracket Order Overview
take_profit object > Optional Additional parameters for take-profit leg of advanced orders
stop_loss object > Optional Additional parameters for stop-loss leg of advanced orders

Can anyone clarify whether the documentation is not up-to-date and how to place a stop loss and take profit for crypto at the same time? Right now, after setting a stop loss, I cannot set a take profit anymore since there is no size left.


Can any moderator confirm?

Hello! Yes you are right, we only support market, limit and stop-limit orders for Crypto at the moment.

is this still limited?? i’m trying to create a stop loss but it says : crypto orders not allowed for advanced order_class: oto

@clauhawk Currently, OTO orders are not supported for crypto. One can accomplish the same thing in an algo by simply monitoring the price and then submitting a simple (either market or limit) order if the current price exceeds some value. That would provide the same behavior.