I’d like to stream stock data and stock news simultaneously, my code:
cStock := stream.NewStocksClient(
stream.WithTrades(tradeHandler, symbols…),
stream.WithQuotes(quoteHandler, symbols…),
stream.WithReconnectSettings(20, 1*time.Second),
)cNws := stream.NewNewsClient(
stream.WithNews(newsHandler, symbols…),
stream.WithReconnectSettings(20, 1*time.Second),
)ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()|if err := cStock.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf(“could not establish connection, error: %s”, err)
if err := cNws.Connect(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf(“could not establish connection, error: %s”, err)
but am getting the following error on the news connection, i.e. 2nd connection like there cannot be two simultaneous authentications:
2022/05/23 11:21:04 INFO datav2stream: connecting to wss://stream.data.alpaca.markets/v2/sip, attempt 1/20 …
2022/05/23 11:21:05 INFO datav2stream: established connection
2022/05/23 11:21:05 INFO datav2stream: finished connection setup
established connection stocks
2022/05/23 11:21:06 INFO datav2stream: connecting to wss://stream.data.alpaca.markets/v1beta1/news, attempt 1/20 …
2022/05/23 11:21:06 INFO datav2stream: established connection
2022/05/23 11:21:06 INFO datav2stream: auth error: connection limit exceeded 2022/05/23 11:21:06 INFO datav2stream: retrying auth in 500ms, attempt 2/16
Is there a way to stream stocks and news data simultaneously within the single code? It works fine for two separate codes run simultaneously.