Data websocket error, restarting connection: server rejected WebSocket connection: HTTP 404

Hi All,
I am just starting and trying to subscribe to stream. I am using the following script

from import StockDataStream
API_KEY = “key”
SECRET = “secret”
** “ABSI”, **
** “ACCD”, **
** “AFRM”, **
** “AI”
** ]**
wss_client = StockDataStream(API_KEY, SECRET, url_override = “wss://”)
# async handler
async def quote_data_handler(data):
** # quote data will arrive here**
** print(data)**

*wss_client.subscribe_quotes(quote_data_handler, STOCK_LIST)

I am just getting the following error repeatedly
data websocket error, restarting connection: server rejected WebSocket connection: HTTP 404

I tried different url_override and got the same error

Am I doing something wrong?

why do people want to run an htf setup on alpaca, i dont see the reason, money is not moving that fast unless you have over 50K

@kris not sure how it answer my question

have you tried to run an HFT script? im more interested in what type of strategy you are using

Anyone wants to refer to my original question?
Still getting the same continuous error

Hi, I was able to connect to the socket using C# SDK, I’ve connected for 2 weeks, with some bars missing during the day, but yesterday no one single data came through, today started to receive data, I paid the 99 USD but working as well with the free