Add company name to /assets/ response object

As the title says I would like to be able to see the company name in the response from the /v2/assets/ call.

Right now you can just see the symbol. To get the company name I would need to find a separate API for it.

Try using

StockSummary ='AAPL')

This returns the following

({ ‘active’: True,
‘bloomberg’: ‘EQ0010169500001000’,
‘ceo’: ‘Timothy D. Cook’,
‘cik’: ‘320193’,
‘country’: ‘usa’,
‘description’: 'Apple Inc is designs, manufactures and markets mobile ’
'communication and media devices and personal computers, ’
'and sells a variety of related software, services, ’
'accessories, networking solutions and third-party digital ’
‘content and applications.’,
‘employees’: 123000,
‘exchange’: ‘Nasdaq Global Select’,
‘exchangeSymbol’: ‘NGS’,
‘figi’: None,
‘hq_address’: ‘1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA, 95014’,
‘hq_country’: ‘USA’,
‘hq_state’: ‘CA’,
‘industry’: ‘Computer Hardware’,
‘lei’: ‘HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394’,
‘listdate’: ‘1990-01-02’,
‘logo’: ‘’,
‘marketcap’: 908316631180,
‘name’: ‘Apple Inc.’,
‘phone’: ‘+1 408 996-1010’,
‘sector’: ‘Technology’,
‘sic’: 3571,
‘similar’: [‘MSFT’, ‘NOK’, ‘IBM’, ‘HPQ’, ‘GOOGL’, ‘BB’, ‘XLK’],
‘symbol’: ‘AAPL’,
‘tags’: [‘Technology’, ‘Consumer Electronics’, ‘Computer Hardware’],
‘type’: ‘CS’,
‘updated’: ‘11/16/2018’,
‘url’: ‘’}{ ‘active’: True,
‘bloomberg’: ‘EQ0010169500001000’,
‘ceo’: ‘Timothy D. Cook’,
‘cik’: ‘320193’,
‘country’: ‘usa’,
‘description’: 'Apple Inc is designs, manufactures and markets mobile ’
'communication and media devices and personal computers, ’
'and sells a variety of related software, services, ’
'accessories, networking solutions and third-party digital ’
‘content and applications.’,
‘employees’: 123000,
‘exchange’: ‘Nasdaq Global Select’,
‘exchangeSymbol’: ‘NGS’,
‘figi’: None,
‘hq_address’: ‘1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA, 95014’,
‘hq_country’: ‘USA’,
‘hq_state’: ‘CA’,
‘industry’: ‘Computer Hardware’,
‘lei’: ‘HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394’,
‘listdate’: ‘1990-01-02’,
‘logo’: ‘’,
‘marketcap’: 908316631180,
‘name’: ‘Apple Inc.’,
‘phone’: ‘+1 408 996-1010’,
‘sector’: ‘Technology’,
‘sic’: 3571,
‘similar’: [‘MSFT’, ‘NOK’, ‘IBM’, ‘HPQ’, ‘GOOGL’, ‘BB’, ‘XLK’],
‘symbol’: ‘AAPL’,
‘tags’: [‘Technology’, ‘Consumer Electronics’, ‘Computer Hardware’],
‘type’: ‘CS’,
‘updated’: ‘11/16/2018’,
‘url’: ‘’})

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