Websockets with Multiprocessing

Hello, I recently encountered problems with multiprocessing websockets.
When I do conn.run with threading, then no errors.

p = threading.Thread(target=conn.run, daemon=False, args=(streams,))

But when I do it thru multiprocess module,

#t = multiprocess.Process(target=conn.run, args=(streams,))

I get:

ERROR:root:error while consuming ws messages: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

The reason I prefer to use multiprocess module is because it can be terminated and its easier to handle for some reason then threading. Please see full code below:

import threading
import multiprocess
import multiprocessing
from time import sleep

import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi
import pandas as pd

base_url = 'https://paper-api.alpaca.markets'
data_url = 'wss://data.alpaca.markets'
trade_taken = False

# instantiate REST API
global api
api = tradeapi.REST('insert your key',
                    'insert-secret-key', base_url=base_url, api_version='v2')

    # init WebSocket
global conn
conn = tradeapi.stream2.StreamConn(
       'insert your key', 'insert-secret-key', data_url=data_url, data_stream='alpacadatav1')

async def on_second_bars_EWN(conn, channel, bar):
async def on_second_bars_ENZL(conn, channel, bar):

#Multiprocess gives an error: ERROR:root:error while consuming ws messages: [Errno 9] Bad file #descriptor   
streams = ['Q.AAPL', 'Q.BAC']
#t = multiprocess.Process(target=conn.run, args=(streams,))

 # Threading works fine. You can comment here and uncomment above.

p = threading.Thread(target=conn.run, daemon=False, args=(streams,))

Please let me know how to make it work with multiprocess? Or if you have similar module that would work. Thank you!!!