I sent you the code and reviewed the copy that I sent to myself. I reviewed my copy and the indentation is correct. Some of the long lines were wrapped, but I think those are obvious.
Whenever I get an error it is always the same message that I gave and always happens on the same line.
Best, regards
If this code is not easy for you to use, don’t waste your time on it. Just let me know and i will find a solution that does not use email to get it to you.
Thanks again for your help.
the indentation is still wrong… but I understand now why. you are replying by mail.
next time use the forum website to do that: https://forum.alpaca.markets/
it seems the code is now working (if you have other errors, try to isolate them and ask questions about them directly)
the guide you’ve sent was released on june, so it’s pretty up to date. I would give it a shot.
Hi Thomas, i’ve been reading through this thread because i’ve been experiencing some issues understanding how to use the StreamConn to receive market data. Have you tried going through that guide you posted? It seems that using Web Sockets is a much easier way to access real time market data. Let me know
I thought I was using web sockets. This shit is greek to me. If you come up with anything good, let me know.
Lol i think you are actually, i’m just getting started myself so i’m lurking here to try and help me figure it out.