Hi–with respect to the scenario posted back in 2023 https://forum.alpaca.markets/t/cash-account-to-avoid-pattern-day-trading-rule/11846/5
regarding using cash accounts to trade with instead of margin accounts - hasn’t the rule been changed from T+2 to now T+1?
So with T+1 if you start a cash account in August 2024 with $10,000 to trade options
$10,000 cash deposited and cleared (available for trading) on Monday August 19
**Buy $10,000 of AAPL options Monday August 19 and sell those $10,000 in AAPL options before 4pm EST market close on August 19 for a $2,000 net gain **
Under the new T+1 rule would the $12,000 be available to trade with market open 9:30AM Tuesday August 20?
jkozlow3 Feb 2023
With a cash account, let’s say someone want to make 1 trade per day, every single day using
their full account balance.
$10,000 account
On Monday I sell $10,000 worth of AMZN to purchase $10,000 of AAPL
On Tuesday I sell all shares of AAPL to purchase $10,000 of TSLA
On Wednesday, I sell all TSLA shares to purchase $10,000 of GOOG
In this scenario, I would incur a good faith violation, correct? Because I used the proceeds of a
sale to purchase another security and then sold the newly purchased security before the original
funds used to make that purchased had settled? Or am I incorrect?
Dan_Whitnable_Alpaca Alpaca Developer Relations
@jkozlow3 Correct. What one would need to do is this.
start with $10,000 equity. All AMZN (ie no cash)
• Monday: sell $10,000 worth of AMZN
wait 2 days for proceeds to settle
• Wednesday: purchase $10,000 of AAPL
• Thursday: sell all shares of AAPL to purchase $10,000 of TSLA
wait 2 days for proceeds to settle
• Monday: sell all TSLA shares to purchase $10,000 of GOOG