Missing historic data for daily timeframe

I’m using the historic bars for a single symbol request, symbol=SRCL, for date range 2023-09-29 to 2024-01-07. The result is data from 2023-12-12 to 2024-01-05, so missing out the first few months. url = “https://data.alpaca.markets/v2/stocks/SRCL/bars?timeframe=1Day&start=2023-09-29&end=2024-01-07&limit=10000&adjustment=raw&feed=sip&sort=asc”.

If I tweak the date range slightly advancing the start date by 3 days so with a range from 2023-10-02 to 2024-01-07 I get the expected data. url = “https://data.alpaca.markets/v2/stocks/SRCL/bars?timeframe=1Day&start=2023-10-02&end=2023-12-11&limit=10000&adjustment=raw&feed=sip&sort=asc”.

Appreciate if anyone can help with this as it breaks confidence in my data gathering. Thanks, James

@James Thank you for highlighting the data issue with SRCL. The problem has now been fixed and one can fetch data back to 2016. There was an incorrect entry in the corporate actions table which made the API think SRCL had an IPO on 2024-22-22 (which it didn’t) so no data was returned before that date. Again, thanks for pointing this out.