I’m using the historic bars for a single symbol request, symbol=SRCL, for date range 2023-09-29 to 2024-01-07. The result is data from 2023-12-12 to 2024-01-05, so missing out the first few months. url = “https://data.alpaca.markets/v2/stocks/SRCL/bars?timeframe=1Day&start=2023-09-29&end=2024-01-07&limit=10000&adjustment=raw&feed=sip&sort=asc”.
If I tweak the date range slightly advancing the start date by 3 days so with a range from 2023-10-02 to 2024-01-07 I get the expected data. url = “https://data.alpaca.markets/v2/stocks/SRCL/bars?timeframe=1Day&start=2023-10-02&end=2023-12-11&limit=10000&adjustment=raw&feed=sip&sort=asc”.
Appreciate if anyone can help with this as it breaks confidence in my data gathering. Thanks, James