I am receiving an error message when submitting a stop-loss order with an option symbol. The error message is: “{code":42210000,“message”:“invalid options order_type”}”
Here is my order:
"side": "sell",
"symbol": "AMZN240517P00170000",
"type": "stop",
"qty": 4,
"time_in_force": "day",
"order_class": "simple",
"extended_hours": false,
"stop_price": 3.70,
"limit_price": null
However, I didn’t receive this error message yesterday. Do we have any new updates from options trading or how can I fix this error message?
The stop and stop-limit order types were temporarily disabled for option contracts on the paper environment.
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Do you know when it enable again?
More than a month has gone by and I’m still getting this error: {"code":42210000,"message":"invalid options order_type"}
How “temporary” are the stop and stop-limit order types being disabled on the paper trading environment? It would be great if @oleg.rakhmatulin could provide a timeline for when to expect them active again.
Thank you
@lacabra Currently only limit and market orders are supported for options trading. Stop orders are not supported. No specific timeline for when these order types will be allowed.
Thank you @Dan_Whitnable_Alpaca for your prompt response, very much appreciated, and understood.
I would suggest to update the Options Trading Documentation accordingly, since it currently says that [Options Order] *type* must be one of **market**, **limit**, **stop**, **stop_limit**
Any update here? Can we submit a stop loss order with options trading? I am still getting the error - APIError: {“code”:42210000,“message”:“invalid options order_type”}