Harnessing Alpaca Market Data with StockRanker.py and Flask

Alpaca Markets provides a wealth of financial data that investors and traders can leverage to make more informed decisions. To assist in navigating this expansive dataset, the StockRanker.py script serves as a handy tool. The script is meticulously designed to extract and process information from Alpaca’s market data, yielding valuable insights.

Customizable Input and Analysis
The StockRanker.py script offers numerous command-line options, allowing users to tailor the script to their unique needs. You can define your symbol list, the number of trading days for historical data, the reference stock symbol, the number of stocks to process, and much more. This level of customization facilitates more targeted and relevant analysis.

Comprehensive Data Processing and Sorting
The script begins by processing snapshots for the defined universe of stocks, assembling this data into a Pandas DataFrame for easy manipulation. It then sorts this data based on user-specified parameters and identifies top-performing stocks.

Historical Price Data and Performance Metrics
The script fetches historical price data for a specified number of trading days, giving context to current market conditions. Additionally, it calculates a variety of performance metrics, such as daily and cumulative returns, Sharpe ratios, and percentage changes. These metrics provide a multi-faceted view of each stock’s performance.

Time-Efficient Stock Ranking
StockRanker.py script’s output is an ordered list of top-performing stocks based on the selected criteria. The ranking gives an immediate overview of the highest potential opportunities, making the decision-making process more efficient.

In summary, the StockRanker.py script offers a streamlined and customizable method to harness Alpaca’s market data, producing actionable insights to inform your trading decisions. Whether you’re a beginner investor or an experienced trader, this script can be a valuable addition to your toolbox.

Leveraging Flask to Supercharge StockRanker.py: A Web Interface for Advanced Stock Analysis

In the world of stock market analysis, having efficient, effective tools is critical. Scripts such as StockRanker.py provide valuable insights, processing vast amounts of data to offer a comprehensive ranking of stocks. Yet, interacting with these scripts can be cumbersome, often requiring command line operations or editing parameters directly within the code. To elevate user experience and further boost the functionality of such scripts, a web-based interface can serve as an ideal solution. This is where the Flask framework shines.

Connecting Flask and StockRanker.py

Flask, a micro web framework written in Python, is perfect for building web applications that interact with Python scripts like StockRanker.py. By wrapping the script within a Flask application, we can offer a user-friendly interface, streamline data input, and enhance output visualization.

Here’s how a Flask app and StockRanker.py come together:

  1. User Interface & Data Input: The Flask application serves as an inviting gateway to StockRanker.py. Through a web interface, users can effortlessly input parameters and upload files containing a list of stock symbols for analysis. This process simplifies interaction with StockRanker.py, eliminating the need for command line operations or manual edits within the script.
  2. Processing and Analysis: After users define their parameters and submit their symbol list, the Flask application kickstarts the processing. It channels the provided data into the functionalities of StockRanker.py, replicating and extending its logic. Fetching data from the Alpaca API, calculating key performance metrics, sorting top-performing stocks—all these operations from StockRanker.py are incorporated within the Flask application’s /process route.
  3. Displaying Results: Once the Flask application completes the calculations, it presents the results in an accessible, organized format on the web interface. Unlike the raw output from a terminal-run StockRanker.py, these results are straightforward and easy to digest. Plus, for users desiring a tangible record, the application offers an option to download the analysis results via the /downloads/<path:filename> route.
  4. Specific Stock Analysis: Beyond StockRanker.py, the Flask application introduces an additional route: /analyze/<symbol>. This function enables an analysis of individual stock trends by leveraging another script, likely named StockTrendAnalyzer.py. This script analyzes a specific stock’s trend, generates a performance plot, and expands the overall capabilities of our Flask application.


Incorporating StockRanker.py into a Flask application not only elevates user interaction but also extends the functionality of the original script. This fusion results in a powerful, accessible, and user-friendly tool for sophisticated stock analysis. With such a tool at their disposal, traders can make more informed decisions, effortlessly analyze vast quantities of stocks, and ultimately navigate the stock market with enhanced confidence.

You can clone the GitHub repository for the script and demo flask application using this command:

git clone https://github.com/JOravetz/RegressionSharpeAnalyzer.git

Please see the instructions in the README file, for additional information.

Muito bom o projeto Flask, Estou com problema estou precisando passar o valor da ações no tempo real dizendo quanto esta custando a ações?

Modifiquei o código para passar o preço em tempo real das ações. Isso aborda sua pergunta. Por favor, puxe o GitHub para atualizações.

Não estou entendo o motivo do Erro, pra executar eu ia pedir para voce criar um aquivo install.sh com bash pra instalar as dependecias, se voce puder!!!

A onde eu coloco o KEY?

2023-06-25 01:42:24,583 [ERROR] Please set the APCA_API_KEY_ID, APCA_API_SECRET_KEY, and APCA_API_BASE_URL environment variables.

@Joe_O1 ?

Ou faz melhor importa a diretorio venv pro Git depois so usar Venv pra executar o app! @Joe_O1
Screenshot from 2023-06-25 01-26-43

Try installing requests with pip - pip install requests. I will check the requirements.txt file .

Export the Alpaca environment variables in a bash shell.

To export Alpaca environment variables, you can use the following command in a Unix-based terminal:

export APCA_API_BASE_URL=“https://paper-api.alpaca.markets

Replace “YOUR_API_KEY_ID” with your actual Alpaca API key ID, and “YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY” with your corresponding secret key. This will set the necessary environment variables for your Alpaca API configuration.

Please note that this command is specific to Unix-based systems (e.g., macOS, Linux). If you’re using a different operating system, the process might be slightly different.

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