EDSA Daily LOW value changed after the day ended

Daily SIP splits adjusted data on EDSA for 2025-02-13:
when downloading right after market close on the same day, LOW value was: 2.72
when downloading right after market close on 2025-02-14: LOW value is: 2.83

HOW is it humanely possible that a daily price inside an OHLC bar is changed AFTER the bar was closed?

Could you please please please please please enforce some safeguards to ensure that the prices are actually do really yes true an correct?

The reason for this was one trade that was canceled:

$ curl -s -H "APCA-API-KEY-ID: ${APCA_API_KEY_ID}" -H "APCA-API-SECRET-KEY: ${APCA_API_SECRET_KEY}" "${APCA_API_DATA_URL}/v2/stocks/trades?symbols=EDSA&start=2025-02-13T14:31:01.776132717Z&limit=1" | jq .
  "next_page_token": "RURTQXwxNzM5NDU3MDYxNzc2MTMyNzE3fER8NDE4MTQ=",
  "trades": {
    "EDSA": [
        "c": [
        "i": 41814,
        "p": 2.7201,
        "s": 6050,
        "t": "2025-02-13T14:31:01.776132717Z",
        "u": "canceled",
        "x": "D",
        "z": "C"

When this trade arrived at 14:31 UTC it updated the daily bar’s low value to $2.7201. Sometimes later during the day it was canceled, which is why we set its update (u) field to “canceled”, and in the next morning when we recalculated the daily bar it was excluded from the new bar, so the new bar’s low was 2.83.

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