Easy way to calculate Profit per trade in python

I have written a function to generate a trade report with profits with every trade.
I used PANDAS and my orders were created with bracket and oto classes.

Please give the following a try and let me know, it would be good to refine this and detect any bugs.


import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
import pytz
import datetime as dt
from datetime import date

# pass the API and prevDays (0 for today, 1 since yesterday...)
def report2(api, prevDays):
    # get all closed orders and import them into a dataframe
    orderTotal = 500
    today = dt.date.today() - dt.timedelta(days=prevDays)
    today = dt.datetime.combine(today, dt.datetime.min.time())
    today = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
    orders = api.list_orders(status='all', limit=orderTotal, after=today)
    if not orders:
    dfOrders = pd.DataFrame()
    for o in orders:
        # convert dot notation to dict
        d = vars(o)
        # import dict into dataframe
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d, orient='index')
        # append to dataframe
        dfOrders = dfOrders.append(df, ignore_index=True)

    # select filled orders with buy or sell
    dfSel = dfOrders
    # choose a subset (use .copy() as we are slicing and to avoid warning)
    dfSel = dfSel[['submitted_at', 'filled_at', 'symbol', 'filled_qty', 'side', 'type', 'filled_avg_price', 'status']].copy()

    # convert filled_at to date
    dfSel['submitted_at'] = pd.to_datetime(dfSel['submitted_at'], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    dfSel['filled_at']    = pd.to_datetime(dfSel['filled_at'], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    # convert to our timezone
    dfSel['submitted_at'] = dfSel['submitted_at'].dt.tz_convert('America/New_York')
    dfSel['filled_at']    = dfSel['filled_at'].dt.tz_convert('America/New_York')
    # remove millis
    dfSel['submitted_at'] = dfSel['submitted_at'].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    dfSel['filled_at']    = dfSel['filled_at'].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    # Sort: https://kanoki.org/2020/01/28/sort-pandas-dataframe-and-series/
    # need to sort in order to perform the proper calculations
    # sort based on the following sequence of types: market then limit, then stop_limit
    dfSel['type'] = pd.Categorical(dfSel['type'], categories=["market", "limit", "stop_limit"])
    # sort first based on symbol, then type as per the list above, then submitted date
    dfSel.sort_values(by=['symbol', 'submitted_at', 'type'], inplace=True, ascending=True)

    # reset index
    dfSel.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    # drop the 'side' column
    # dfProfit = dfSel.drop('side', 1)
    dfProfit = dfSel
    # add empty 'profit' column
    dfProfit['profit'] = ''

    totalProfit = 0.0
    profitCnt   = 0
    lossCnt     = 0
    slCnt       = 0
    ptCnt       = 0
    trCnt       = 0
    qty         = 0
    profit      = 0
    sign        = {'buy': -1, 'sell': 1}

    # show header row
    #print(tabulate(dfSel[:0], headers='keys', tablefmt='simple', showindex=False))

    for index, row in dfSel.iterrows():
        # show data row
        #print(index, tabulate(dfSel[index:index+1], headers='', tablefmt='plain'))

        # conditions:
        # - buy/sell have the same symbol
        # - a trade is considered if no new/held orders are still open
        # - once qty is 0 a complete trade is confirmed and profit calculated
        # - a filled_avg_price is not None

        if index > 0:
            if dfSel['symbol'][index - 1] != dfSel['symbol'][index]:
                qty    = 0
                profit = 0

        if dfSel['status'][index] == 'held':
        if dfSel['status'][index] == 'new':
        if dfSel['filled_avg_price'][index] is None:
        if dfSel['filled_avg_price'][index] == '':
        if dfSel['filled_avg_price'][index] == 'None':

        #print(index, tabulate(dfSel[index:index+1], headers='', tablefmt='plain'))

        side      = dfSel['side'][index]
        filledQty = int(dfSel['filled_qty'][index]) * sign[side]
        qty       = qty + filledQty
        price     = float(dfSel['filled_avg_price'][index])
        pl        = filledQty * price
        profit    = profit + pl

        #print(f"{dfSel['symbol'][index]}: qty {filledQty} price {price} profit {profit:.3f}")

        if qty==0:
            # complete trade
            trCnt = trCnt + 1
            # put the profit in its column
            #dfProfit['profit'][index] = profit
            dfProfit.loc[index, 'profit'] = round(profit, 2)
            totalProfit = totalProfit + profit
            if profit >= 0:
                profitCnt = profitCnt + 1
                if dfSel['type'][index] == 'limit':
                    ptCnt = ptCnt + 1
                lossCnt = lossCnt + 1
                if dfSel['type'][index] == 'stop_limit':
                    slCnt = slCnt + 1
            profit = 0

    # append the total
    dfProfit.loc["Total", "profit"] = round(totalProfit, 2)  # dfProfit.profit.sum()

    # print profit report
    print(tabulate(dfProfit, headers='keys', tablefmt='simple', showindex=True, floatfmt=".2f"))

    totalCnt = profitCnt + lossCnt
    if totalCnt > 0:
        ratio = profitCnt / totalCnt * 100.0
        print('\nProfits:', profitCnt)
        print('Losses :'  , lossCnt)
        print('Ratio  :'  , f'{ratio:.2f}%')
        print('Trades :'  , trCnt)
        print('Stops  :'  , slCnt)
        print('Targets:'  , ptCnt)