Does historical options data starts from 2024 or my script is wrong?

Hi there, I am trying to download historical options data, example attached below and I use Python. But the resulted dates starts from 2024-01-05. Is my script not correct or alpaca’s historical options data starts from 2024? Thanks

    trading_client = MyTradingClient()

    apple = trading_client.get_asset('AAPL')

    apple_option_req = GetOptionContractsRequest(
        limit=10000, page=1)

    apple_options = trading_client.get_option_contracts(apple_option_req)
    contracts = apple_options.option_contracts
    dates = set([x.expiration_date for x in contracts])

dates result:

Based on the documentation, historical option data is only available since February 2024. If you don’t mind me asking, what python library are you using for hitting the Alpaca API?