So I’m new to Alpaca and relatively new to coding in general. I run Linux and have written some very basic Python code before, but things like dictionaries and dataframes can quickly go straight over my head.
However, that being said, I feel like creating a simple stock screener is something within my grasp. I’ve been going through the momentum day-trading algo that’s linked in the ‘getting started with Alpaca’ page. Here’s the code that’s confusing me:
session = requests.session()
min_share_price = 2.0
max_share_price = 13.0
min_last_dv = 500000
default_stop = .99
risk = 0.05
def get_1000m_history_data(symbols):
print(‘Getting historical data…’)
minute_history = {}
c = 0
for symbol in symbols:
minute_history[symbol] = api.polygon.historic_agg(
size=“minute”, symbol=symbol, limit=1000
c += 1
print(’{}/{}’.format(c, len(symbols)))
return minute_history
def get_tickers():
print(‘Getting current ticker data…’)
tickers = api.polygon.all_tickers()
assets = api.list_assets()
symbols = [asset.symbol for asset in assets if asset.tradable]
return [ticker for ticker in tickers if (
ticker.ticker in symbols and
ticker.lastTrade[‘p’] >= min_share_price and
ticker.lastTrade[‘p’] <= max_share_price and
ticker.prevDay[‘v’] * ticker.lastTrade[‘p’] > min_last_dv and
ticker.todaysChangePerc >= 2.5
Please forgive my simplistic noobie mind, but here’s what’s confusing me:
Why couldn’t I just run something like the get_tickers object more or less on its own? Sure I’d need to specify today’s date and all that stuff, but couldn’t I do without the get_1000m_history_data? In addition to being fairly confused by the code for that object, it doesn’t look absolutely necessary for the purpose of making a simple stock screener.
When I ran this program, I didn’t get output that actually showed me the stocks and their respective stats that met the criteria. I think it’d help me to actually see it.
I envisioned the process going something along the lines of: request data, filter data, output filtered data. Doesn’t the get_tickers part take care of the first two steps? In a perfect world, running the screener would result in the following output: a few simple messages updating me as the program completes steps, and finishes with an array of data showing the ticker, price, MACD, and a positive percent change from yesterday.
From there, I think I could handle writing the code that would place the buy/sell orders. That could also be wishful thinking.
I know I just threw a lot at you (whoever you are), and please don’t feel obligated to respond to all the issues I’ve raised here. Like I said, just pointing me in the direction of a tutorial, article, or perhaps a simpler program on GitHub would be plenty helpful. Of course, if you’d like to connect a couple of the dots for me yourself, you’re more than welcome to do that as well.