2021-01-09 18:37:13,291:WARNING:code = 1006 (connection closed abnormally [internal]), no reason
Hello, this is the error msg I am getting, abruptly within a session. Can you please tell why?
2021-01-09 18:37:13,291:WARNING:code = 1006 (connection closed abnormally [internal]), no reason
Hello, this is the error msg I am getting, abruptly within a session. Can you please tell why?
I am having the same issue
do you get the same error code? I got this msg in my console output today but forgot to copy it, so had to retrieve it from old logs. Just want to make sure the error code (reason) is consistent
Yes I have the same error code 1006
@Dan_Whitnable_Alpaca @Shlomik any help on this? I am getting this error every day now.