Bars API endpoint returning 0 close price, low price, high price

Im on your site here and I have adviced all clients to withdraw funds and stop using my apps until alpaca sorted it out and works properly again. In the meantime Im working on tradestation intetration which I like even more than tda.

not gonna lie im starting to feel bad for you guys

im gonna correct one thing the markets are always gonna be unstable (thats the idea) alpaca just takes data and fwd’s it… i like to pull the price from my open pos more so then bars, if you think bars will make you money forever your wrong man… if you’ve been following the markets you’ll know some stuff in the head end with cable / fiber providers is having random outages this is more so due to the amount of people now online due to covid, at home on there cable modems the bandwidth outages also can be seen reflecting the data in sip, most of its do to a bad CMTS design and lack of fiber resources… this is why rolling out fiber will always be a catch up game… you can go think im kidding around :slight_smile: